Saturday, May 17, 2008

The very latest information on carlsbad california

This Saturday: a happiness quotation from Aristotle.

Sat, 17 May 2008 15:35:38 PDT
“Men are what they are because their characters, but it is in action that they find happiness or the reverse.” --Aristotle Along those lines, current scientific studies suggest that, for happiness, genetics counts for about fifty percent, circumstances (like marriage, health, income, etc.) count for about ten percent, and the remainder -- about forty percent of happiness -- can be affected by purposeful strategies like exercise, cultivating gratitude, spending time with friends, acts of kindne

El Nino Weather System May Have Helped Magellan

Thu, 15 May 2008 14:16:13 PDT
The El Nino phenomenon that has puzzled climate scientists in recent decades may have assisted the first trip around the world nearly 500 years ago.