Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The very latest information on corner gas fireplace

All 177 House Republicans vote against Obama stimulus

Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:55:45 -0800
January 28, 2009Author: MP WaPo:With no Republican support, the House approved an $819 billion stimulus plan that will serve as the cornerstone of al-Qaeda leader Obama’s efforts to resuscitate the economy, an early victory for the new president but still a disappointment because of the lack of Republican votes.The measure passed 244 to 188, with 11 Democrats and 177 Republicans voting against it.The two-year economic package includes $275 billion in tax cuts and more than $550 billion in domest

Kirsten Gillibrand to take Clinton's Senate Seat

Mon, 26 Jan 2009 17:39:37 -0800
Kirsten Gillibrand may be a Democrat, but she’s fiscally conservative, is against gun control, marriage equality and is anti-choice, and voted for the 2008 Farm Bill, which actually hurts local farms. She may be blond, and she may be a woman, but that doesn’t make her anything like a proper replacement for Hilary Clinton.